ISBN: 9780689865398
Pretties by Scott Westerfeld continues right were Uglies left off. Tally is no longer an ‘ugly.’ In fact, now she is a pretty with pretty friends and a pretty life. She spends her time planning for parties and hoping to become a part of the Crims. When she sees someone from her old life she is curious but doesn’t think much of the ugly boy that should have had his surgery already. She agrees to look for the object he hid for her but isn’t sure if she ever really will, until Zane finds out about it.
The Truth About Pretties
Now that Tally is a pretty however, she doesn’t remember anything about her ugly life. Until she and Zane [...]
ISBN: 9780060874162
Some people are simply cruel by nature and that’s the case with Beastly by Alex Flinn. Kyle is the epitome of perfect jock. Everyone who is someone wants to be liked by him and the girls all want him. But if you are beneath his notice he can be downright cruel. So what’s a witch to do but cast a spell on him? He’s always treated those who are ugly as if they are worse than dirt and now she’s determined to make him know what it is truly like to be different and to be ugly.
What’s a Pretty Boy to Do?
Kyle is disfigured with marks and tattoos that no amount of surgery can possibly do away with. His father has sentenced him to a [...]
ISBN: 978-0439709101
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke begins one night shortly after Meggie’s birth. At that time Meggie’s mother is transported into the world of Inkheart, the book her husband was reading. Possibly worse is that several of the terrible creatures from the book are then transported out. Meggie’s father has no idea what has happened but comes to understand that when he reads aloud these things happen. The creatures destroyed his copy of the book so they would never have to go back but that’s the only way that he is going to get his wife back, so throughout Meggie’s life he drags her from one bookstore to another, searching for another copy of [...]
ISBN: 978-0439139601
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling continues the story of a young boy with a very powerful destiny. Harry has returned to school yet again as a fourth year but this year is not meant to be like the year before. Instead, Hogwarts will sponsor the Triwizard Tournament which is a huge honor and the one who wins the competition will be acclaimed. But the Tournament is dangerous and Harry isn’t old enough to compete, so he looks forward to watching with the rest of his school, until his name is pulled out of the goblet as the fourth contestant.
The Tournament
No one understands how Harry’s name got into the goblet [...]