The growing size and popularity of Likedreviews mean that anyone who is seriously committed to creating a lot of high quality content will be able to earn decent advertising revenue from their work. Yet, with everything there are shortcuts to distinction. Doing really well with Likedreviews is like anything: You should use the right tactics for your desired outcome. Below we list some of the best ways to boost your revenue and popularity. If you are new, read this article first. It tells you how to make use of our powerful review system:
1. Making the trends: It is no secret that Likedreviews [...]
The name Easyjet is synonymous with cheap flights and amazing value all across Europe. Founded by Greek Cypriot businessman Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, back in 1995 in London UK, Easyjet has now become the leading budget airline for Britain and Europe.
Easyjet delivers low cost service with a smile:
It’s business model is to sell cheap spaces well in advance and gradually escalate prices nearer the date of the actual flight. If there is one thing distinctly noticeable about Easyjet it is their ability to deliver low cost flights with great service, unlike some of their rivals who quickly managed a reputation for unfriendly service low price [...]
Adding a new review or article is super easy. To get your post approved the first time round, and to make sure you will get a lot of attention, follow the steps below:
Step1: Logging in: If you have been approved and set up as a premium reviewer, you can log in to create reviews and articles. Click here to log in quickly or log in from the front page of the website.
Step 2: Before creating a new article or review:
Use the search function on the top left of the website to see if an article or review already exist. If you find that a review already exist, you should not create another review. You can create another article about the same topic, but [...]