The Labrador Retriever
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If you are that person who does loads of hard work ranging from hunting to fishing or just mere adventure, you might be looking for an assistant. A companion to help you on your fishing or hunting trips and keep you company as well. You do not have to necessarily look for someone to give you emotional support but rather an aggressive and friendly helper. The Labrador retriever will perfectly well solve your problems. [...]
Well, you have probably heard people say that “Love isn’t something that you find, but rather Love finds you.” Well I’m not here to contradict or support that statement. All I’m here to say is that once in a while we tend to develop certain strong feelings for others (notice I’m not calling it “Love” basically because the word is overrated and underrated in equal measure). We do this because we need these people in our lives. They seem to complete our existence; they are people you will do something for, not say words and admire their faces. For the beautiful words that are crafted by wordsmiths (that’s right, “wordsmiths), who seem to be stuck in a [...]
So today I’m sited gazing aimlessly at the screen of my laptop. Somehow in my seemingly drilled stature, I’m able to open a few pages online and read something; something on psychology. I have always read about psychology and wondered how deep it stretches. Everyone seems to share the same ideas at least on academic level; the basics of psychology are always discussed the same way, using the same words or at least words that are closely related. Going through the web pages I just opened, I can read something on how psychology is encrypted in every human emotion, everything that is done, every decision taken and executed, whether the right way or the wrong [...]