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If you'd like to learn from an authority on autism, this is would be an excellent read
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The book Questionable Autism is focused on opening discussions about a variety of autism topics.
Looking at professional, parenting, research and testing issues numerous questions are developed to consider the broad impact of autism topics for both parents and professionals. Author: Susan Louise Peterson, an award winning autism author weaves her experiences as an educator and school psychologist for young children into a discussion of some of the major issues impacting the field of autism. Questionable Autism includes many real world examples related to parenting topics, field issues and general practices in the area of autism. Questionable Autism has opened the door for broader discussions in the field of autism.
Biography of the Author:
Susan Louise Peterson is an award winning autism author and school psychologist. Susan took an incredible journey back to the public schools and worked in the tough inner city public schools of Las Vegas, NV for twenty years as a teacher and later a school psychologist. She taught and assessed students with at-risk situations from preschool to high school. Susan also worked with parents making thousands of home visits in the inner city housing projects of Las Vegas and conducting hundreds of parent meetings to encourage parents to help their children succeed.
When Susan first started teaching she had not even heard the word-autism, but that soon changed. Later, Susan worked as a school psychologist in a school diagnostic center for early childhood students with development delays and autism concerns. She has conducted over 1000 multidisciplinary team assessments for children with possible developmental delays and autism concerns beside speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, school nurses, vision/hearing specialists, special education teachers and regular education teachers. In that process she realized that professionals can have different perspectives and varying opinions about autism and developmental delays. As well, parents struggle with questions of autism and delays from information they receive from professionals with different training experiences.
Susan has received numerous national awards for improving educational practice including being named to the Practitioners Hall of Fame by NOVA University. Susan’s book Is My Child Autistic or Delayed? was selected a Gold Winner (Parenting/Child Care/Family Category)in the 2014 eLit Awards and a Silver Winner (Education category) in the 2013 Global Ebook Awards program.
Susan is the author of more than ten books in the areas of education, child behavior and research.
As a distinguished author, Susan Louise Peterson already attracted excellent high profile reviews on some of her publications:
Is My Child Autistic or Delayed? Simply stated, everyone can benefit from reading this illuminating and forthright book. We may not immediately cure autism, but this book will lead readers to better recognize and develop sensitivity to it. William (Bill) Davis - Associate Professor & Coordinator of Photography & InterMedia - Visual Art and Autism Workshop Leader - Western Michigan University Frostic School of Art.Is My Child Autistic or Delayed? walks us through autism from a school psychologist perspective; replacing fear with hope in the hearts of mothers and fathers everywhere. Bravo-Joanne Lara, MA Founder-Autism Movement Therapy.Is My Child Autistic or Delayed? is a practical guide for parents from an experienced school psychologist. Susan Louise Peterson addresses numerous concerns that parents often express regarding their child’s behavior. For parents sharing similar concerns about their own children, this guidebook provides helpful information. Loren A. Martin, Ph.D. Professor and Director of Research-Department of Graduate Psychology-Azusa Pacific University.
Autism has become a talked about disorder that confuses many people and at times is described as a ‘controversial disorder.’ With so many varying opinions and ideas there are bound to be questions about autism. The questionable aspects of autism are explored through screening approaches, autism observations, parent related matters about autism, research links related to autism, autism field issues, in addition to practices and approaches in the real world. Peterson’s expert knowledge comes through strong in the book-Questionable Autism as she helps form questions to help clarify many issues related to autism.
This book would be a wonderful resource for many people interested or connected to the field of autism. College students and professionals could find many open areas for autism discussions and parents could find practical real world information to help understand autism characteristics.