ISBN: 978-0805062908

The final book in the Liberation Trilogy, Rick Atkinson’s The Guns at Last Light is a tale of the battles of World War II. This book starts with D-Day, the biggest battle over Western Europe that has ever been known and one of the biggest battles of the entire war as well. A completely truthful account completed with extensive research and quotes from letters home written by soldiers in the war, this book depicts a story that has not often been seen and likely will not be seen again for some time.


World War II

The War was a devastating event in the history of the world. It cost many lives, innocent lives of civilians, innocent lives of the oppressed, soldiers’ lives who fought for their cause. The beginning of this story sets the stage for the remainder with a description of the events that occurred in the section of World War II that are discussed in this final volume of the series. It then goes on to explain the events that occurred as if the reader were truly right there in the middle of them fighting for their lives.


The first two books of the series discussed leading up to a fight in North Africa and Italy, this book details the final battles and the final, ultimate victory of the Allies. But victory is not easy to come by and it’s most definitely not found without great loss to both sides. Oftentimes the winners of the war may well be the ones that suffered most whether it is by loss of friends and family or by the sheer fortitude required in order for them to finally forestall the enemy forces wherever they may be. This may well be what has happened to the Allies as they end the war.


D-Day is not the end of everything. Fighting in Normandy and Paris as well as the Battle of the Bulge, Operation Market Garden and even more are all described in detail to those wishing an accurate recounting of history and of the sacrifice that many men made on those final days of the war. The Allies did not escape unscathed or even close to unscathed. In fact, they suffered grave losses that could easily have been too much and could easily have caused them to lose the war and yet, brave men continued to fight on for their country and freedom.

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Samantha Rivera

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