What Is Jumia?
Jumia is a top online store operating across African countries. Jumia is owned by a larger company by the name Africa Internet Holding which has been classified as one of the fasted growing internet groups in Africa. The company has acquired 9 holdings among them being Jumia Kenya, Lamudi and Hellofood. The international ventures include Jumia Nigeria, Jumia Ghana, Jumia Cameroon, Jumia Ivory Coast, Jumia Morocco, Jumia Uganda, Jumia Egypt, and Jumia United Kingdom.
What Do You Get On Jumia?
Jumia has already placed itself as the number one stop shop for fashion items and tech gadget in all the states that it operates in. The online store has an [...]
Ghiradelli double chocolate brownie
If you haven’t tried Ghiradelli’s brownies yet, you simply must.
They are fabulous. I live in a house full of choc-a-holics and while I wasn’t always a choc-o-holic, I have blessedly been converted into one.
I wasn’t always a raving lunatic chocolate lover. In fact, growing up, the only chocolates we would ever have were See’s chocolates and that, only once a year for the Easter holiday.
But my husband truly believes that loving chocolate is in his genes. He likes brownies, but his one true love has always been home-made Nestle Toll [...]
See’s Soft Center chocolates
Growing up, buying See’s candies was always a treat. One mostly saved for Easter or another such special holiday.
Even as a child, I knew that their chocolates were special and I was always really excited when my family would buy a box to share.
They were no less special as I grew older and started dating my husband, who would buy them for me on Valentine’s Day.
You see, he also grew up with See’s chocolates being a special treat for his family as well and so was very familiar with how special they are.
A Long History
See’s [...]
Ah, just the thought of Starbucks conjures up the rich aroma of coffee grounds and hands wrapped around a warm mug of deep, rich coffee.
Well, not for me, but for my husband who is a Starbucks addict. He has to grind his own beans of course, (don’t ask me why) and adds just a touch of milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar to a huge cup of coffee.
Not me.
When I have coffee (rarely), I add so much cream and sugar that I worry for my health. Maybe that’s why hot chocolate is more my speed. I love the sweetness of hot chocolate, but it can’t be too sweet, (I know, I know, I’m picky).
Swiss Miss and Nestle hot chocolate don’t do it [...]