My little sister moved to NYC some time ago and something happened to her while she was there.
She’s developed expensive taste… in everything.
Mind you, she’s far from a snob and she’s definitely not spoiled, she works hard for everything she’s got, she’s just got a knack for picking out the best of everything.
From restaurants, to hot chocolate, to this: Amazing Grace Whipped Body Creme.
Amazing Grace Rollerball Perfume
This Christmas, she sent me a 4 pack of Philosophy’s line of Amazing Grace bath and body products.
It was a beautiful package of [...]
I can’t pinpoint the moment in time when I picked up jewelry making as a hobby. But I can remember the day that I ran across this gorgeous book at my local Barnes and Noble bookstore.
I was on a date with my dear husband and I had time to slowly browse through the many how-to books on the subject of beading and jewelry making when this book made me stop in my tracks.
This book is written and designed by Kaari Meng, the owner of French General, a store based out of Hollywood, CA, specializing in vintage beads, charms and baubles, as well as gorgeous fabrics, quilts and countless other goodies, all in a luscious french style.
The book is like eye candy. It [...]