Foreword by Hilary Pearson
My father was dying and my first daughter just born. Traveling up from
London to make our last visit, watching my daughter as she slept, I glanced
out of the window to see a white horse streaming across a field: in that
moment I was the horse and the horse was me – life and death, grief and
joy, everything contained in a split second.
At that time I had the good fortune to be working with Michal Levin. I had
just started on an inner journey that has lasted 21 years now and continues
to take me further and deeper than I could ever have imagined. The years
have been filled with extraordinary experiences, as well as countless
moments and interactions that have shown me how much growth there can
be in the everyday.
Michal’s teaching and wisdom has enabled me to notice, to embrace and to
integrate my life experiences rather than burying potential wounds and
missing out on ever present joy.
In the years that followed my original connection with Michal, I attended as
many seminars and retreats as I could and learned Michal’s own LEAP (Life
Energy Activation Process) meditation practice, which gave me the
grounding and experience to gain even more from the wide ranging
seminars. As a group we dived in, often at the deep end, often not knowing
anything about where we were going but trusting in Michal’s leadership –
her generous wisdom and constant protection as we explored the
unknown. I am reminded of Ernest Shackleton’s unfailing support of his
group as he led them through uncharted physical realms to the North Pole,
bringing back new knowledge to the world: Michal has led us with equal, if
not more, dedication and love into the depths of the non-physical realms,
for the benefit of all.
Now at last this work has been charted in a way that it can begin to be
offered to all, in the form of an online course. Step One is the start of a
personal exploration of energy; an opportunity to explore and experience
that which is the very basis of life, that which underpins who we really are
and how we exist in the world today – regardless of race, religion, position –
as truly human beings.
Hilary Pearson, Medical Secretary
Relevant books: “My lesson is love: in the marriage of the dense and fine, the dark and the light, the masculine and the feminine.”
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