Engineering science is a very wise career choice for anyone who's hardworking enough. Oxford University offers you the opportunity to be the best in the business.
Nothing should hinder anyone from choosing something they really want to do. Oxford in my opinion will help you get there but there are other institutions you could try if you don't make it there.
Engineering Science at Oxford is offered with great efficiency and professionalism. It's advisable for anyone willing to take on the course to join the university.
Oxford’s Engineering Science
Every young boy or girl has a dream of being a successful person when they grow up. Parents and guardians have their role to this decision as well. In many societies, there are those courses that are cherished and adored and the specialists in these fields are given hats off around the streets. Now in my last conversation with you, I gave you a guideline of how to get there, and be the most exquisite doctor ever in your state or in your country depending on your originality. Today am going to take you on a journey to greatness, a journey to being that person each and every child wants to be at the age of as low as three years. It was one of my dreams as well, I also have dreams, I have very big dreams for that matter, and when it comes to good and big things I am the first person in line. But when it comes to the real thing, I don’t know what went wrong, but I landed somewhere I love a position that puts a smile on my face whenever I remember, that am going to help a man or a lovely lady somewhere meet their dreams.
Many of us wanted to become engineers when they grew up, and that means am included in this list because that was my dream as well. If you have the passion and the potential to meet the dreams of very many of us, then you got to the right and fortunately you got the right person to get you there. Engineering is a delicate course and if you want to get there and earn this golden title then follow me as I lead you to your prosperity. This course needs the right person and since that is you, or even better, your son or daughter, you need to make the right choice of doing it at the right place. That one university that will ensure your degree matters and is recognizable worldwide. This university is no other than the one and only one best university worldwide, Oxford University. By now you must have realized that I add some extra weight when addressing this university, this is so because it is the one university that gives you the best quality of education and prioritizes your success. It won’t just make you the best engineer but will help you to be that person in charge of all engineers from all engineering departments because it teaches the best leadership skills.
Engineering science encompasses a wide variety of subjects, ranging from mechanics, electronics, to offshore oil platforms. This course entails the application of high level of creativity, mathematics, and science to real life problems. The engineering department in Oxford University has a reputation for two specialties, a top level rating expertise in teaching, and a worldwide exquisite reputation in research. The department bases its teaching on a unified course, comprising of cross linking between topics in diverse fields that guarantees engineers a well structured understanding of the course.
The department admits about 160 undergraduates every academic year, at least for those who attain a master’s degree in engineering. The university contains 26 colleges that admit engineering undergraduates as well. An engineering undergraduate program is a four-year course after which most of the 160 students who covered the course attain a degree in master of engineering. The engineering course has six branches from which a candidate chooses from: mechanical, electrical, biomedical, information, chemical, and civil engineering.
The department teaches the program in two sessions, for the first two years, all engineering students are taught in unison all the topics that an undergraduate should know. The students in first two years also have to do practical work as the curriculum requires. In the third and forth years, every student is given an opportunity to choose one of the six fields to specialize in thereafter. The university offers the candidates in their fourth year an opportunity to study abroad. On a weekly basis, the students have ten lecturers and two college classes.
The course outline for the four academic years comprises of the following units in every year. The first year entails the following courses
- Mathematics
- Structures and mechanics
- Electrical and information engineering
- Engineering practical work,
- energy and environment
The assessment of these courses for the first university examinations includes four written papers, the assessment of the engineering practical work.
The second year courses include the following
- mathematics
- electrical and information engineering
- energy systems
- structures, materials and dynamics
- engineering practical work
The department assesses the students for the final university examinations the part A constituting four written papers, and assessment of the engineering practical work.
The third year courses comprises the following
- engineering computation
- engineering in society
- five optional engineering courses
- group design project
- engineering practical work
The assessment part B final university examination comprising of six written papers, engineering practical work assessment; the engineering computation and design project reports.
In their final year, the candidate does a project in one of the specialized fields; biomedical chemical, mechanical, electrical, civil, information, and production engineering. The department assesses the part C of the final examination with six written papers of the project report.
The requirements to qualify for engineering course in Oxford University are A-levels in mathematics, physics, or any other advanced mathematics accompanied by Advanced Higher level in IB or any other equivalent. Mathematics module inclusion is as an added advantage for the applicants, as well as further mathematics that help the students in completing the course. All candidates are required to take the physics Aptitude Test as part of the application process.
The university admits the brightest students with best grades who come from different background. To cater for all its students and ensure their survival in the university, the university offers financial help to Home/EU students from lower backgrounds. The colleges offer their students accommodation for the better duration of their course. The university constitutes the students social, sporting, and cultural life because it offers them a variety of resources. These resources include food, sports facilities, library and IT resources, social places, drama and music, travel projects, and extensive welfare support.
The university thus, produces high quality students with exceptional skills that make them highly marketable within and outside the profession. The graduates make a decision about the course to indulge in after their graduation with some opting for commerce while others go on to pursue their study. The course is highly marketable in many areas and some perform perfectly well in the management of consultancy and finance institutions.
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